Pastoral Prayer

Pastoral Care Communication


What is Pastoral Care?

Pastoral care is a vital element of a church that ministers the love of Christ, welcoming and caring for people within a community of faith.  It is distinctly Christian in that it looks to connect people with God and with the gospel in navigating life’s difficulties.  It draws on the resource of prayer and Scripture, but always seeks to be expressed in loving action.  It does not seek to fix people but accompanies them as fellow travellers with Christ.

The following table taken from the website of the Association of Christian Counsellors gives an indication of the breadth of activity that pastoral care may involve.


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How does Pastoral Care Operate at SBC?

Pastoral Care, as with every aspect of our life together as church operates out of our vision: ‘an extended family, growing and being transformed in Jesus Christ and sharing the good news wherever we go’

Pastoral care is an expression of family not a professional service; it is everyone’s responsibility.  As such, often care will be experienced less by a visit from ‘the pastor’ and more through family relationship found in Beacons, in other small groups, in ministry teams and in personal networks.

Pastoral care is also a process of discipleship where we expect transformation and growth in Jesus Christ.

Pastoral care can also be the context of mission as an opportunity to express and demonstrate the good news that we share in Jesus Christ.

Overseeing Pastoral Care at SBC in a Pastoral Steering Group (PSG), whose role it is to:

  • Oversee and resource pastoral care in the church
  • Pray for the church, both as. Occasion presents and as part of a rolling programme covering everyone in our fellowship over a period of time.
  • Consult with each other when seeking wisdom as to how best approach specific situations.
  • Coordinate care, especially when practical support is required
  • Be a point of contact when the church family resource needs extended support or when people have not yet found their way into one of the family contexts where support is naturally forthcoming.


Accessing Pastoral Care

Normally, the first point of contact for pastoral care will be through a Beacon or other network of relationship.

The Pastoral Care Team can be accessed through the email address

Alternatively contact can be made through the Church Office on 01582727352 /


Other Resources

  • The SBC Foodworks cupboard can provide emergency food parcels at times of crisis.  Please ring the office on 01582 727352 to request a parcel.
  • The SBC ‘Be a Blessing’ fund allows for small grants to bless individuals or provide for pressing need.  This can be accessed through
  • SBC are in process of compiling a list of people who might offer lifts, make visits or help with practical tasks. In future this will be accessed through the Pastoral Steering Group.