SBC Global Ministries

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We have been blessed as a church family to have built key relationships with people around our world and have commissioned and sent members of our church family to serve within these different communities both locally and overseas.  God is doing some incredible things around our world and here at SBC it is a joy to be part of it!

Click on a place marker on the map below to find out who’s doing what and where.

Middle East

Europe, Middle East & North Africa
Bible teaching and discipleship in his role as MENA Regional Director for CBS across Europe and the Middle East/North Africa
Middle East
Working with refugees and seeking to see God’s kingdom expand across the Middle East.

Southern Europe

Artur & Noku
Berat, Albania
Evangelism and church planting.
Europe, Middle East & North Africa
Bible teaching and discipleship in his role as MENA Regional Director for CBS across Europe and the Middle East/North Africa
Brian & Audrey
Balkans, East Asia & Canada
Discipleship, mentoring, and Bible teaching church leaders in the Radstock and Lifesprings networks. Church planting in Canada.”
Paulini & Violeta
Building relationships, evangelism.
Shekelzen & Klodi
Mosaic Centre, Gostivar, Macedonia
Building relationships through teaching English.

Southern Asia

Dave & Mary
Southern Asia
Building friendships in the community where they live in S Asia.
Southern Asia
Supporting the leadership of the team on the field including helping to evaluate ministries and projects.


Bunna & Danni
Planting and supporting churchesin Phnom Penh and the provincesof Cambodia.


Luton & China
Sue works as an Assistant Chaplain at the University of Bedfordshire. Sue and the Home & Away team build relationships with international students through the Globe Café and maintain relationships in China.

United Kingdom

Gill & Peter / The Oasis Team
Building relationships, equipping and supporting those for whom England is their second home.
Luton & China
Sue works as an Assistant Chaplain at the University of Bedfordshire. Sue and the Home & Away team build relationships with international students through the Globe Café and maintain relationships in China.

Balkans, East Asia & Canada

Brian & Audrey
Balkans, East Asia & Canada
Discipleship, mentoring, and Bible teaching church leaders in the Radstock and Lifesprings networks. Church planting in Canada.”

North Africa

Europe, Middle East & North Africa
Bible teaching and discipleship in his role as MENA Regional Director for CBS across Europe and the Middle East/North Africa

Vision & Values


Our vision

To see disciples made of nations, cultures and communities

Our aims

At SBC we seek to develop Christ-centred, cross cultural relationships both locally and overseas. We will build partnerships through long-term investment in relationship with local and overseas communities. 

Our aim is to

  • Share the gospel amongst unreached people
  • Serve the poor through compassion, healthcare, aid and community development
  • Grow missional communities through training and discipleship

How can you get involved?

  • Pray
  • Give
  • Go, opportunities locally, short-term trips overseas or long-term service opportunities

Establishing partnerships

We seek to cultivate relationships that are mission driven and relationally based. We go into each relationship to serve and learn. If God is speaking to you about your involvement in a community overseas we would love to chat with you.

Our Team

Jo Bird, Director of Global Ministries
Volunteer Team: Ruth Deacon, Ashraf Farahat, Karen Hicks, Lysle Osborne, Jackie Farahat, Jane Lambert-Mason & Clive Roberts.

We are committed to promoting and engaging, solely, in mission opportunities within our agreed relationships.

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