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Volunteers make SBC

If Stopsley Baptist Church is a diverse church community comprised of people of all ages and from many different backgrounds. We have a membership of approximately 350 people. There are a variety of ministry activities that take place during the daytime, evening and at weekends. The church employs around 30 staff, most of whom are part-time. However, we could not function without the services provided by our volunteers.

The communities of believers following his way that we call church are made up of individuals who see glorious whole. They are variously members of the Body of Christ and living a flesh and blood temple. Church was never meant to be run by the few for the many; it was meant to be made as all contribute willingly and joyfully in lives centred around and energised by Jesus Christ. Let us all resolve in this spirit not merely to watch SBC from a distance but again to find our place in this part of God’s kingdom work: to be church makers. Volunteers make SBC!

If you would like to get more involved, please complete the 'Volunteers Form' here someone on the staff team with be in touch.  Thank you

Team A-Z

A-Z of teams you can volunteer to be a part of
AV / Media
Today's church operates using technology and we are always looking for people with experience in sound engineering & IT to facilitate our services.
Chris Young
Boys Brigade
Meeting every Tues evening we have established junior & company sections, and we are always looking for fresh help and energy.
Alan White
We run a full & varied Children's ministry, do get in touch if you would like to be involved in teaching, befriending or you are creative.
Jo White
Faith Explored
An occasional course introducing/exploring the Christian Faith. We need speakers, group leaders, hosts & caterers.
Alex Davie
We have an opportunity to supply valuable food and other items to people in need in our community. Do talk to us if you would like to be involved.
Chris Young
Global Ministries
If you have a passion for taking the message of Jesus across cultures and into different countries, please get in touch.
Jo Bird
Greenhouse Mentoring
We have an established project providing support to young people on a 1:1 mentoring & club basis. We are always looking for new volunteers.
Catriona Gillies
Men's Ministry
We want to invest in men continuing to grow in faith and live this out boldly, get involved.
Alex Davie
We are always looking for anyone who would like to help our administrative team in an ever changing office environment.
Ginger Warner
Pastoral Care
If you would like to support our church family in visiting and a range of different caring opportunities do come and talk to us.
Alex Davie
We believe in prayer and we want to learn to be better at it. If you would like to help by organising or by praying come and talk to us.
Jane Judson
Our bookings operate in part through people prepared to come and greet others, and open & shut the building.
Jane Lambert-Mason
We care for the elderly in our community and we would love to hear from you if you would like to support our ministry, befriend & be part of the team.
Clive Roberts
When we gather we want to be good hosts, and if you would like to help people feel welcome and familiar with all that we do, please do get in touch.
Ginger Warner
Sunday Refreshments
Can you make tea & coffee, and offer a smile and a word of encouragement then we would love to hear from you.
Allie Butler
Welcome Team
We don't just want to greet people at the door but we want them to know they are loved and have a place in our community, we need teams to help.
Jo Bird
We are always looking for people with a heart for worship and experience in playing instruments, and leading people into Gods presence.
Angela Roberts / Liz Mattocks
Working with young people is not only an investment in the future but a chance in the presence to learn about God & have lots of fun.
Jo White